Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Part B

Article: “The Journey of Hope” from Reader’s Digest.
i. Issue
The main issue discussed in this article is about how a lot of migrant workers, especially from Philippines and Indonesia are being victims of atrocities and discrimination due to illegal recruitments agencies and bureaucratic loopholes. Usually, these migrant workers have decided to leave their homes in hopes of finding a better life for their families. However, the illegal recruitment agencies often manipulate their desperation to obtain a better life by giving them false promises. Often, these agencies would promise to provide them good jobs when they crossed over other countries but instead the workers would usually being sent to work as labor workers or tough jobs that they never knew about. And because of this, they are usually being paid with low salaries, overwork with heavy tasks and being abused or discriminated by their employers. In some worst cases, women are being sold as prostitutes and being treated fairly bad. As there aren’t many bodies of government that control this issue, these workers usually kept quiet about their problems as they have no one to turn to.

ii. Conclusion
The writer of this article concludes that these migrant workers deserved to be protected just like any local workers do. Some of them may have entered the country with illegal ways, but however they were being tricked or forced to do so. Therefore, they deserved to have the same rights as any other workers do. In addition, the writer was full of praised towards some advocacy groups that campaigns for these workers’ rights. The writer also hopes that this issue of migrant workers abuse would be stopped.

iii. Reasons
One of the reasons that the writer wanted the abuse and discrimination of migrant workers to be stopped is because he felt that these workers are the same like any worker in the respective local countries. He felt that just because these migrant workers are poor, it doesn’t mean that they should be treated unfairly by the agencies or employers who hired them, legally or illegally. They are still humans who have feelings and should be protected by the human and worker’s rights. Besides than that, the writer feels that some of the migrant workers were not being given chance on what they were capable of. He felt that some of them were good enough to get a better job as they do possess some intelligence in them. Therefore, it is a waste for the local employers not to hire them and treat them as the local workers were.

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