Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Story Link 2

Joe works in the Henry’s Assembly Line, he loves to watch movies especially on the television and he undergo a heart surgery and implanted a pacemaker not long ago. Today he goes for shopping in the IT stores and sees a row of brand new computers display at one of the store, he buys some new nylon clothes and some household appliances at a electrical shop on the lower level with two different credit cards. After several hours of shopping he decides to get his car at the carpark and drives off to a restauraunt famous for using freeze-drying techniques to prepare foods, he enjoys the food and sits there for one hour and ten minutes before leaving.

Finally Joe reaches home and lay down all the stuff that he bought, he goes for a shower and then goes to sleep he gets a dream about being an astronaut and takes a walk on the moon. He wakes up at night fall and listen to the transistor radio it is broadcasting the news regarding about the government plan wether to use nuclear energy or solar cells as an alternative source of power in the future , debating the issues of direct current and alternative current that these two energies generates. He looks a the clock and is time for him to take antibiotics given by his heart surgeon and then bring some bottles out and throw them to the recycle bin that is intended for plastics.

He goes back to his house and continue to listen to the radio, this time the news mention about the introduction of lasers equipment to law enforcers can help to reduce the use of lethal weapons to subdue criminals by distracting their visions. When the broadcast is over Joe turns off the radio and prepare to go out, his telephone rings and he answers it. It is his friend asking him to go out for a drink tomorrow as he will be taking an airplane to England. He agrees, after the conversation he takes his car key and goes off he pass through a space shuttle launch zone that will sents two communcations satellites into space next month as he drives towards the dark horizon.

Story Link

CD 210 – Creative Problem Solving (Group Activity #1)

One day, a man name Johnny was invited to visit the Henry Ford’s Assembly Line to learn more about modern car assembly process. Along the journey, he saw high voltage transmission lines which deliver power from electric generation plants over long distances using alternating current. During that time, Johnny’s view was distracted by a low flying airplane which flew over the car he is riding. The sound from the airplane was enough to shake his seat but luckily nothing happened. Upon reaching the manufacturing plant, he saw a huge communication satellite sitting on top of the roof. They are used to transmit information with other countries via the satellite.

Inside the Ford’s manufacturing plant, he noticed that nylon and plastics were also used in the production of the tires. Johnny was told that the assembly plant was powered by nuclear energy to support the high demand of power required in running all the machines. Every employee in the plant is also given antibiotics to boost their health as the tasks in assembling a car require high level of concentration. Lasers were used to cut the metals that form the exterior part of the car.

Moving on, Johnny went to visit the employees’ hostel which was located not far from the plant. The reason for providing the hostel is because that some employees would prefer to stay close to the plant as the plant is located from the nearby town. Inside the hostel, Johnny was impressed as the hostel is furnished just like a home would be. There were household appliances such as oven, refrigerator and etc as well as computers and telephone for them to make calls. Upon entering the living room, he saw the manager of the plant sitting on the couch watching movies from the big screen television. Amazingly, Johnny was told by the manager that this house is powered by solar using a device called solar cells which stored the sunlight to be used as power. The manager was friendly enough to show Johnny his collection of antiques such as a transistor radio. As the manager switched on the radio, Johnny immediately recognized the song titled ‘Walk on the Moon’ which was also his favorite. Lastly, Johnny was brought to the dining room where he was explained that foods in here were stockpiled in bulk. The foods in here used a technique called as freeze-drying to keep them fresh and last longer.

Upon saying goodbye, the manager suddenly complained of heart ache. Johnny, who is a doctor, immediately rushed to the rescue. He learnt that the manager has a history of weak heart and was currently using a pacemaker to keep his heart beating normally. Johnny relieved his pressure and immediately sent him to the hospital. After the manager has been admitted to the hospital, Johnny paid his bill using his credit cards as he forgotten to bring cash with him during the visit. And this is the end of the story of Johnny.